October 11, 2008 - Newburgh, Maine


I viewed my attendance at the Endewearde Hunt as a follow up to my photographic article, Some Views From the 7th Annual Medieval Tournament, held at Fort Knox. My friend and co-worker, Lord Justin indicated I’d most likely enjoy checking this out. He and Lady Astrid were unable to attend this year due to other commitments but he urged me to go north with my cameras anyway. I wouldn’t know anybody of course, but did have an offhand invitation from emailed comments I’d read pursuant to the Fort Knox article. I wish to thank all of you who took time to write; it was appreciated.

The Endewearde Hunt is a non-public, annual gathering hosted by the Shire of Endewearde, at a beautiful site in Newburgh, Maine. It is held over Columbus Day Weekend, this year October 10th through the 13th. It centers more or less around archery pursuits and there were multiple activities related to this endeavor including lots of archery practice, combat archery games, competitions, classes on equipment maintenance and techniques, a woods walk shoot, novelty shoots with awards, etc. Next to the archery was a Thrown Weapons range which could be utilized anytime a Marshal was present or available. This included a varied assortment of axes, knives and other weapons cast against a target backboard. Where this is a camping event it offers much more and the activities list included evening bonfires with a Bardic challenge, a potables competition and embroidery challenge and far from least, a wonderful sense of camaraderie for all – this gathering was attended by families with children and adults of all ages. I enjoyed my step back in time for the multiple hours I attended the event. One last comment here – Everything is predicated upon safety first. Nothing went on at these weapons activities that was not monitored by one or more Marshals.

I created this photojournal more or less for local members of the SCA to mark the occasion. However, for any non-member readers I feel obligated to include some information to identify what this organization is about… The Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) is an international organization dedicated to researching and recreating the arts and skills of pre-17th-century Europe. The SCA's ‘known world’ consists of 19 kingdoms with over 30,000 members worldwide. The host shire for this event, the Shire of Endewearde, is based out of Central and Down East Maine and is one shire forming a portion of the East Kingdom, one of the nineteen, which covers an extended area including most of New England and into Canada. Please check the links to learn more about the various kingdoms and shires – who knows, you may just wish to join and participate in the organization... I wished this account to be a visual journey so I’ll stop writing and get on with it.

Entrance, Camping & Grounds Views
Thrown Weapons Views

Giving it a try...
Thrown Weapons practice
Everybody can try this out...
Thrown Weapons practice
Youthful Warrior... Thrown Weapons practice
Thrown Weapons practice Thrown Weapons practice

Archery Range Views

Overview of the Archery Range

Crossbow Reloading Steps
Taking the shot
Crossbow on the line Ready to discharge
Crossbow Archery Practice
Target on the Range Reloading
Shooting down range
Lord Owen taking aim Follow through after the shot
Young Archer Young Archer
Arrow in Flight
Lining up the shot
On the firing line On the firing line
Archery Views

People of the Hunt

Tree Climbing

Participants Around the Archery Field
People of the Hunt

Scenes From Around the Gathering
Scenes Around the Camp

Final Views From My Time at the Hunt
Scenes from the End of My Day
Scenes from the End of My Day

Author's note – The images in this account were taken with several cameras. I use Canon equipment; the cameras were the EOS 1Ds Mark III with a 70~200mm f/2.8L Imaged Stabilized lens and EOS 5D with a 24~105mm f/4L IS lens. Both cameras are full framed, digital sensors and were handheld. If you have an interest in learning more about my equipment selections please visit My Canon Photographic Equipment page posted on my website. I shoot in Raw format and post process in Photoshop CS3. I also employed CS3 to create the text headers used in this article. I had a great time during my hours at the Endewearde Hunt, talked with many nice people about the SCA and local efforts - I learned a lot and had fun… I wish to express thanks to all for their kindness.

October 2008

A note about the photography...All images in this account are by the author. Any images viewed that are digitally framed and labeled have been added to my collection of works for sale. These are displayed when at shows and events either packaged on foam core, professionally framed or ArtiPlaq™ mounted as a final for purchase. The web versions are nice, but a full resolution print significantly enhances the beauty of these images; all are ©2008 Photography by Kirk M. Rogers - any reproduction, publication or transmission of this content without the written consent of the author is prohibited. Please contact me should you have an interest in obtaining any of the images.

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