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Hephaestus - (hē fes’ təs)
The nine Muses were daughters of Zeus and were goddesses of arts & science
Asclepius (as klē’ pē əs)
Alcmena -  Alk mē’nē
Amphitryon - am fi’ trē an
John Goodricke first proposed mechanism for the variability of this star in 1783
Edward Pickering presented evidence that Algol was actually an eclipsing binary in 1881
William Herschel discovered Rasalgethi was a variable in 1759
This was proven by presented evidence that Algol was actually an eclipsing binary in 1889
Megara - (meg’ ə rə)
Eurystheus - yōō res’ the us
E only star
Praesepe – Pri sē'pē,
The Hesperides (hes per’ I dēz’) - daughters of the evening)  nymphs – daughters of Atlas
Eurydice - (yōō rid’i sē’)   Aristaeus (aristae’us)  Charon (ker’ ən)  Cerberus (sur’ ber əs)
Hades (hā’ dēz)   Persephone - (per sef’ ə nē) – Daughter of Zeus and Demeter; once Goddess of Grain, she became queen of the Underworld; kidnapped by Hades & spent 6 months each, above and below Eurydice - (yōō rid’i sē’) Maenads (mē’ nad’) – followers of Dionysus and worshipped him Thracian Maenads (in essence ‘frenzied women’) - followers of Dionysus (Bacchus – among other things, the god of wine & pleasures of civilization),
Merope (měr’ ə pē)’   Oenopion – (ē nō’ pēon)   Dionysus - (dī ō nē sus)   Hephaestus (hē fes’ təs)   Eos (ēōs)
Oenopion – (ē nō’ pēon) Asclepius (as klē’ pē əs)   Hades (hā’ dēz)
 Danaë -  dan’ ā ē’ Polydectes (Polydec’ tes)
John Goodricke first proposed mechanism for the variability of this star in 1783
Edward Pickering presented evidence that Algol was actually an eclipsing binary in 1881 This was proven by presented evidence that Algol was actually an eclipsing binary in 1889
Cassiopeia had the brother of Cepheus, Phineus attempt to murder Perseus at his wedding feast.
Cepheus was a crewman on the Argo